All I want For Christmas

Jess Bellis
February 6, 2022

“Mommy, can you put this on my wish list, please?” “Mommy, I really want this for Christmas!” “Mommy, I would be so happy if I got this for Christmas!”

If you have kids, I’m sure you’ve heard similar phrases on repeat in your home this Christmas season. I often roll my eyes when my kids say these things and wish that their hearts wouldn’t be so inclined to desire temporal things as much as they do. But the truth is, I need to ask myself if my heart is desiring things more than Jesus this season too. If I’m honest, I can tell you that I’ve definitely thought more about earthly desires than spiritual ones recently. It’s true for all of us. Our hearts are bent toward the things of this world– the things we think will make our lives more comfortable– the new car, that bigger house, all of those books I’d like to adorn my bookshelves.

It’s always difficult to keep our hearts tuned to Jesus, but it can be especially hard during this season of gifts, twinkling lights, wish lists, to-do lists, tinsel, and that silly Elf on the Shelf! During this season, we can find ourselves saying, “I’ll get my focus back on prayer and Bible reading after the holidays, but these seasonal distractions are no excuse for shifting our focus off of Jesus. Romans 12:12 says, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer”. That doesn’t mean in less busy seasons or when it’s more convenient. It means all the time. 

Right now, take a moment to make time for prayer and Scripture reading. Get your heart set on the joy of this season– preparing for and anticipating Christ’s return. May this be our heart’s desire this Christmas, and all year through!

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