
The Message

The Lord said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”

But Moses said, “Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else.”

Exodus 4:11-13 NIV

Service Order

Welcome and Announcements

Songs of Worship & Praise

Congregational Prayer

Pastor Jared Yordy


Exodus 5:1-22


Pastor Mike Sigman

Closing Song


This Week's Schedule


3:00 pm – Alaska Mission Trip Info Meeting


7:00 pm – Mission Commission

7:00 pm – Men’s Ministry

7:00 pm – Women’s Ministry

8:00 pm – Exodus Class


9:30 am – Women’s Ministry

9:30 am – Knitting Club

6:30 pm – Financial Peace


6:30 pm – Revelation Study

7:00 pm – GCC Young Adults


4:30 pm – Afghan Prayer Team

6:30 pm – JH Youth


6:00 am – Men’s Ministry

6:00 pm – Outpour Kids

6:30 pm – Understanding the


6:30 pm – Writing Trough


6:30 pm – Worship Rehearsal

7:00 pm – Outpour Teens


10:00 am – Valentine’s Day



4:00 pm – Worship Rehearsal

upcoming at GCC

Weather Alerts & Cancellations

During inclement weather, cancellation information will be posted on the GCC website, Facebook, and Instagram. Also, watch for announcements in church-wide emails and WJTL radio stations.

Livestream Chat Host Op


If you enjoy online social interaction, you may be interested in serving as a GCC Chat Host during livestreams of services, particularly the Saturday evening service. Email Addison Roberts for more info.

New! Empowered Fitness Ministry


Participate in a group workout and share a faith-building message through GCC’s new Empowered Fitness Ministry! Workouts begin at emPower Training Systems every Saturday at 9:00 am.

Outpour Summer Musical Theater Camp


It’s not too early to sign your child up for the Outpour Kids & Teens Summer Musical Theater Camp! This year’s theme is “Jingle Bell Beach.” Registration is open for kids currently in Grades K-7. More details, including dates, times, location, cost, and registration are online.

Winter Ministry for Men & Women

GCC offers ministry for men and women this winter! Both groups meet at 7:00 on Monday evenings beginning February 3. If you prefer mornings, ladies meet on Tuesdays at 9:30 am starting February 4, and men meet at 6:00 am on Thursdays beginning February 6. A new Men’s Online option is now available. Details are online.

GCC Kids Volunteer Training

Current volunteers and those interested in joining the GCC Kids team are encouraged to attend volunteer training on Saturday, February 8, from 9:00 am-12:00 pm. Watch your email inbox for details.

Writing Through Struggles Group


Writing Through Struggles, a 5-week confidential class beginning Thursday, February 13, at 6:30 pm, will help you to find your voice on paper, accept and piece together a difficult or broken story, and find meaning/make sense of your experience. Details and registration are online.

Valentine’s Day Brunch


GCC widows and single senior ladies are invited to a Valentine’s Day Brunch hosted at GCC on Friday, February 14 at 10:00 am. Please spread the word that this is an open invitation to all widows and senior single ladies who regularly attend GCC! Please register online or contact the church office to RSVP. Let us know if you need a ride or can drive others. Register by February 10.

PACKHOPE Serving Event


GCC is partnering with Unto, the humanitarian ministry of Cru, to prepare meals for shipment to people in need worldwide. This free serving event will be on February 22. Registration and more details are online.

Special Congregational Meeting

Join GCC on Sunday, February 23, at 6:00 pm for a special congregational meeting to learn more about the vision for the future development of GCC campuses where people come to know and follow Jesus beyond Willow Street. This will be an informational meeting with an opportunity for Q&A and prayer.

Coffee Volunteers


GCC has openings for Sunday morning coffee volunteers to prepare coffee for fellowship or to clean up the coffee station. If you have a gift of hospitality and enjoy connecting with people, contact Jo Glick, GCC’s coffee team coordinator.



In your time of grief, GCC offers GriefCare, a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. The winter session starts Tuesday, February 25, at 6:30 pm. Learn more online.

Commissioning Service

On Tuesday, February 25, at 7:00 pm, join the GCC family as we commission Rachel Kumher and Brittney Stover to missionary service under EC Global Ministries. There will be a time of worship, reading scripture, and laying hands on and praying for these two ladies as they follow God’s call. Come and be a part of what God’s doing in the world!

Mommy & Me Meet-Up

Moms, you’re invited to spend quality time with other moms while your toddler learns, grows, and plays at GCC’s Mommy & Me Meet-Up at 9:30 am on Thursday, February 27! This event is designed for children ages birth through 5 years old. Details and registration are online.

JH Late Nite


All JH Youth are invited to JH Late Nite on Friday, February 28, from 5:00 pm to 12:00 am! Late Nite is $25 per person for activities and snacks that include a trip to Iron Valley for snow tubing, snacks, nerf wars, gym games, video game tournaments, and more! Register online.

Online Church Meet-up


If you regularly attend GCC services online, let’s get together over coffee and a donut on Saturday, March 1, at 9:00 am. Register online.

GCC Blood Drive


GCC will host a blood drive on Thursday, March 6, from 1:00 to 6:00 pm. Register online or call the church office to participate. If you’d like to serve those who come to donate, email jazzy@gccws.net.

Outpour Kids/Teens Concert


Mark your calendar to attend the Outpour Kids & Teens Worship Concert following their 8-week winter training session, “Rocky Road.” This free event is scheduled for Friday, March 7, at 7:30 pm. No registration is required.

Mission Trip Info Meetings

The next round of info meetings on Sundays at 12:30 pm will provide time to ask questions and learn more about mission trips to Alaska (this Sunday), Romania (February 16), Thailand (February 23), and Japan (March 23). Details on each of these trips are online.

Romania Trip Info Meeting

GCC is sending teams to serve in various locations this summer, including Romania. Ask questions and learn more about this trip during this open informational meeting at 12:30 pm on Sunday, February 16. Details on this and other trips are online.

Young Adult Retreat

If you’re 18-30 and looking to dive into God’s Word and connect with the GCC young adult community, this retreat is for you! We’ll be at High Point Camp in Birdsboro, PA, from Friday evening until Sunday morning. Register online.

Thailand Trip Info Meeting

GCC is sending teams to serve in various locations this summer, including Thailand. Ask questions and learn more about this trip during this open informational meeting at 12:30 pm on Sunday, February 23. Details on this and other trips are online.

Mandated Reporter Training


If you serve directly with children at GCC, you are requested to attend the Mandated Reporter Training held on Saturday, March 15, from 9:00-11:00 am. This session will equip you as part of GCC’s updated Child Protection Policy. If you are unable to attend, please contact your ministry leader. Details, including who should attend, are online.

Eat & Meet


Want to get to know GCC better? You’re invited to share a meal with pastors and their families at the next Eat & Meet on Sunday, March 16, at 12:30 pm. Childcare is available. Register online.

Japan Trip Info Meeting

GCC is sending teams to serve in various locations this summer, including Japan. Ask questions and learn more about this trip during this open informational meeting at 12:30 pm on Sunday, March 23. Details on this and other trips are online.

Parent-Child Dedication Class


This class for all parents wishing to participate in a Parent-Child Dedication during one of our worship services is offered at 9:00 am on Saturday, March 29, as a prerequisite for Parent-Child Dedication. Register online.

GCC Church Center App


Have you heard about the GCC Church Center App but are unsure how to access it? Check out the short tutorial video online for instructions about downloading the app. If you have additional questions, contact the church office.

Watch GCC Services Online


GCC streams its worship services live on Saturdays at 6:00 pm and Sundays at 8:00 and 9:15 am at live.gccws.net. You can also visit gccws.net/servicearchive to watch the recording of past services.