Ashley Sullivan
January 14, 2025
Image of Noah's Ark

A few weeks ago, I published and released my first book. When I dropped it off at my store, I quickly wanted to return and take my books. The fear and doubt I was facing were overwhelming. I didn’t run back inside to get my book. Instead, I asked for support from a few close friends, drove home, and said a little prayer. I knew God was calling me to share my book with the world, but at that moment, I wasn’t sure how everything would play out.

God often does not let us know how obeying Him will play out. In Genesis 6:18, God says to Noah, “But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the ark with your sons, your wife, and sons’ wives.” Noah understood what a covenant (a promise) was but in the history of the world an ark had never been built. Regardless, Noah built the ark. It was 1 ½ football fields long and the width of a six-lane interstate. This was no small boat. The neighbors thought he was crazy.

I’m sure he didn’t initially understand how his obedience would play out or how long he would be on the ark. Later in Genesis 8:1, God “remembered Noah.” Scholars believe Noah and his family lived on the ark for 370 days amid an earth completely covered with water. In the Bible, when God remembers someone, it indicates that God is ready to act on someone’s welfare. God does not forget.


God showed up for Noah before the ark was built, during the process, and afterward.

How often do not know how our obedience will play out or how we will build our own “arks”? Sometimes we doubt God’s orders. He may call us to build our arks or serve in a way that colors way outside of the lines.

I’m glad I drove home that day, left my book at my store, and followed through with building the ark God had called me to. As of writing this, my book has sold 78 copies. The messages and comments I have received have been wonderful. This is all and only from God.

When you build the ark God has asked you to, He will see you through. What He did for Noah, what He did for me, He can do for you.

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