Read: I John 1:5-10
Reflect: Being a substitute for over 10 years, has taught me some things about classroom management. Most teachers will warn you which students to watch and which pupils are helpful. Some teachers will leave extensive notes to help you figure out the lesson. Others will write their plans on the back of a napkin. I remember one teacher told me “Your goal for today is to simply to survive.”
the plane is going to crash
Well, that isn’t really the purpose of being a substitute teacher, but on some level, it made a lot of sense! But almost every teacher begins their substitute lesson plans with the same sentence: “This class is very chatty, but they are a really nice class.” That’s like saying: “The plane is going to crash is 30 seconds but the view on the way down is breathtaking.” That word “but” can draw the line between many things. In today’s Scripture, it is the difference between light and darkness.
difference between light and dark
The distance between light and dark is huge. Jesus preached constantly commented on this and was referring to Himself. He said in John 8:12: “I am the light of the world and he who follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the Light of life.” Two things we can glean from this truth. First, “light” represents the truth of God which is embodied in his Word, Jesus Christ. When we need more clarity or light in our daily lives, it is often a lack of clear teaching from the Word of God that is often missing. Jesus is not only the Light of the World, but He is also the light that guides us throughout our journey in this life.
the moral compass
Secondly, by following the light we also have a moral compass. Ephesians 5:8-9 says: “You were formerly darkness but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light for the fruit of the light consist in all goodness and righteousness and truth.” We live in a world where sin is everywhere. Isn’t it good to know that goodness, righteousness, and truth can be a part of your life through Jesus Christ?
the student who didn’t sin
While I was a student at Lancaster Bible College, we had a student who did not believe he was still a sinner. I knew the fella; nice guy, smart guy. The only problem was, he didn’t accept that we are still sinners even after we come to know Christ. He told me that when he got saved, all his sins were washed away, and nothing could dwell in him if Christ was living in him. The problem was, he never accepted I John 1:8-10, “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” While sin was trampling him, he continued to deny its existence. Allowing sin into our lives is the same as allowing darkness to come in. This ruins any chance of being in fellowship with the Savior.
give light a chance
Apply: Sin is an issue that all of us deal with. It can’t be ignored and it can’t be excused. John knew that false teachers were infiltrating the church. He wanted to let everyone know that Christ not only died for them, but he gave them power over sin. Whatever you’re struggling with, trust Christ to aid you. Let His light guide you. Take His direction and do not get caught in the silliness of believing that “the plane is going to crash is 30 seconds but the view on the way down is breathtaking.” Attention: Your plane is heading for the ground! Let Jesus do the needed course correction.