Do You Know The Master’s Handwriting?

Addison Roberts
August 1, 2022
Masters Handwriting Header Picture of Handwriting

I’m a retired pharmacist, 35 years in the business. One of my qualifications is to be able to read doctor’s handwriting. Practice makes perfect.

I was working the night shift in East York. A patient came in with a prescription from the Veterans Hospital. I happen to know that this hospital forty miles away, in Lebanon PA. Why would someone come to East York to have her Percocet prescription filled?  She would have had to pay for the medicine, versus getting the prescription filled at the hospital pharmacy for free. Out of town narcotics prescriptions always raise a red flag in my business.

I called the Veterans Hospital in Lebanon. Indeed, it was a fake prescription. I called the police. They brought in the mugshot book. I recognized the woman’s face. The policeman said she was part of a drug ring that they were trying to break up. So, I helped set up a sting operation and when she came back to pick up the prescription, the police were waiting for her.

How does this relate to you in 2022?  Great questions are: How well do you know your Bible? If someone gave you a passage from the Bible to read, (without the Bible in your hand), would you recognize it? You may not know the Book, chapter and verse, but would you recognize the Master’s handwriting? Can you recognize the Inspired Word of God?

It is truly an awesome life-changing book.  It is possible to receive a lot of religious information from many sources, but always ask yourself if how what you are reading stacks up to God’s Truth, the Bible.  That is how you best determine if what you are reading is true or is fake.   You be the detective!
Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.”(1 John 5:21)
Your words are a flashlight to light the path ahead of me and keep me from stumbling” (Psalm 119:105)

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