the father’s love

Susan Cazillo
October 20, 2023
Image of tiny baby
He loves us tenderly like a newborn

A coworker of mine recently returned to work after his wife had a baby. When I asked about his new daughter, his face immediately transformed into the biggest, brightest smile. In fact, his whole posture changed. He stood a bit taller and prouder as he told me about her, including her frequent crying. He proudly showed me her picture. It was like I could feel the love and joy for this tiny baby emanating from every ounce of this father.

completely helpless and dependent

She had nothing to offer, nothing she could do to contribute to their relationship and nothing she could do to earn his affection. She was completely helpless and dependent. Yet his love for her was immense, unconditional, and complete because she was his child.

he knows how weak we are

For weeks I have been unable to forget this interaction. I have been overcome by a simple and profound realization. This is how Father God in Heaven sees us. Psalm 103:13-14 says, The LORD is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear Him. For He knows how weak we are; He remembers we are only dust. Just like a newborn baby, we also have nothing to offer but our utter helplessness and dependency on God for everything.

he will never abandon us

In the midst of frequent cries, His love is immense, unconditional, and complete. We cannot earn it, nor do we deserve it. God knows we are weak, but He will never abandon us because of our limitations and sin. In fact, He made a way for us all to be adopted as His children through faith in the finished work of Jesus. (Galatians 3:26-4:7)

bask in his presence

Perhaps your own experience with your earthly father, or lack thereof, has made it difficult for you to relate to God as Father. Take a few minutes to sit quietly today, asking Him to speak truth to your heart about His immeasurable love for you. Bask in His presence, feel His unabashed, out-and-out love for you and simply receive. 

his love is complete

The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. (Zephaniah 3:17) Just as a newborn baby, we are completely helpless and dependent. Yet if we are His children, then God’s love for us is immense, unconditional, and complete because we are His children. Bask in this love.

For further study on this, read

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