Do you remember “Snowtober,” 2011? We received between 3”-10” of snow on Saturday, October 29. Although it was a freak snowstorm experienced by all of Lancaster County, that weekend will be memorable to me for another reason… God’s loving kindness.
Thursday evening, before the storm, our dogs ran away. Our oldest dog Trixie, felt the need for adventure. This time, she decided to escape while our one-year-old pup Gracie was tethered outside. Not wanting to miss out on the fun, Gracie snapped the lead and chased after Trixie.
After an extensive search for the two dogs, we decided to wait for daylight to continue. A few hours later Trixie was at the door, but she was alone. Hoping Gracie wasn’t too far behind, we took one more unsuccessful drive that evening before heading to bed. The following days we continued the hunt, walking the woods behind the house, knocking on neighbors’ doors, and distributing flyers. Then the snow started. My heart sank at the thought of her being tangled somewhere in the frigid temps during the storm.
Sunday brought a new glimmer of hope from a neighbor mentioning a stray dog on a nearby road. We set off again, combing the area, but no signs of any dog. I was coming to terms with the fact that we might never see her again. She was gone too long. Weather conditions did not look favorable.
With a heavy heart, I pleaded with God to send her home. I remembered Luke 5, when Jesus told Peter and Andrew; “Put out into the deep water and let down the nets for a catch.” Even though they were fishing all night without success, and it was the wrong time of day for a catch, they obeyed Jesus. And so did the fish! When I learned that as a child, the teacher stated “Animals do not disobey God. Once Jesus commanded them to cast out their nets, all the fish in the lake were headed to Peter’s boat!”
With that thought in mind I simply prayed, “God, animals obey your command, please send Gracie home. If she can get home, please send her home.”
A few minutes later as we turned up in the driveway, there she was standing on the porch, dirty and shivering. A neighbor from down the road found her. He heard a faint whimper and decided to investigate. He followed the cries and found Gracie tangled around a bush. When he cut her loose, she ran for home!
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) Remember, even animals do not disobey God. Once Jesus commanded them to cast out their nets, all the fish in the lake were headed to Peter’s boat!” Maybe you don’t have a lost animal, but you have a lost family member, loved one, or acquaintance. God knows where they are. He often allows us to be part of the “hunt,” but even better, we can trust Him to lead the hunt. Remember God’s loving kindness.