Driving on a crisp winter morning, I listened to PowerPoint, on Family Talk Radio. Jack Graham’s message was impactful. I drank in his words as he spoke about God’s grace. “Grace is a five-letter word, and it is spelled J.E.S.U.S.” he declared. It was the perfect day for a wonderful reminder of God’s grace.
Although I only heard a small portion of the message, I viewed my faith walk through the lens of God’s grace. Through the windshield, I could see the white countryside around me. Traveling along the wintery landscape, I knew that soon the beautiful, pristine snow-covered fields would transition into grime and mud. This is just the way things go. And so goes my faith walk.
How soon does that snow progress to a sea of mud? The blood of Jesus washes every believer clean as the snow on a sunny winter day. But we live in a dirty world. Easily we are distracted from the purity and sinlessness of Christ. Soon our bright, white garments become gray and soiled from the distractions of TV, social media, gossip, hobbies, etc. It takes little to pull us away from His presence, from spending much needed time with him.
I am humbled. Every day I sin and no longer appear as attractive as that fresh fallen snow. Yet in God’s eyes, I bear the reflection of Jesus. This only is possible because of his unmerited favor bestowed on me, not due to any worthiness on my part.
As believers, we need to continually be washed by our wonderful Savior and gracious Heavenly Father. There are no badges to earn, no special to do list that needs completion before we head back into his arms. We only need a contrite and repentant heart. Because of his rich love, we can run back to him for cleansing and forgiveness. He expectantly rejoices when we return to him. His great grace accepts us with open arms and once again he washes us clean as snow.
“In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us.” Eph. 1:7,8a
Steve Cole observes: “The word “lavished” may be illustrated by ocean waves. They just keep coming and coming and coming. They never stop. God’s forgiveness is like that for those who are redeemed through the blood of Jesus. If you have trusted Christ as your sin-bearer, Paul wants you to experience the extravagant, lavish undeserved favor of God in forgiving all of your sins. Do you experience this?” Join me daily in living a life as beautiful as those pristine snow-covered fields.