Susan Cazillo
December 1, 2024
Image of gift being offered

My husband is known as a giver of great gifts and I am a regular beneficiary. One Christmas in particular, he gave me extravagant gifts. Each one was more lavish than the last. I felt so undeserving of his unabashed love and generosity for me. I began to do the math, to count the cost in my head. The sum was too costly! Why would he spend this much on me? Surely there were others more deserving, our grandkids, kids, or parents. Anyone but me.


I am about as directionally challenged as they come. It is no shock that one of the best gifts was a GPS. I had recently received a promotion that required me to drive to different locations on a regular basis. Without it, I would be hopelessly lost. My husband knew I needed this gift. His face filled with joy as he gave it to me. I needed to receive it.


My husband’s love and gifts are just a dim reflection of God’s demonstrated love and extravagant gift. He knows we are desperately in need of a Savior, or we would be hopelessly lost for eternity. We all are undeserving. Still, God gave the best gift in sending His son, Jesus Christ, Divinity Incarnate. He came in our flesh, breathed our air, and died in our place. But that’s not the end. The tomb is empty! He rose again so that we can be with Him forever. This Christmas season, I invite you to behold this gift, a demonstration of a love beyond all comprehension. Understand that He loves you so much that there is no cost too high. Will your heart prepare Him room? 

Behold the King has come, divinity incarnate, creator of the world, breathing our air
Behold what light has come
and the dark cannot contain it
The Savior of the world
is finally here

Behold, the Father’s love beyond all comprehension
He gave His only Son
to die in our place
Go and see that empty tomb
. He’s not there, for He is risen
Every heart prepare Him room
, Jesus Christ, the King of Heaven

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