“if anyone comes to me and does not HATE his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters – yes, even his own life – he cannot be my disciple.”
Did Jesus really say that – that we should hate the ‘nearest and dearest’ in our lives? Isn’t this ‘hate speech’? What about Jesus’ command to love others? Isn’t this a contradiction of that!? NOT AT ALL. Jesus doesn’t contradict himself, and this is not ‘hate speech’. This is a figure of speech. This is Jesus exaggerating a point to make a point. To discover the point Jesus is making and to learn what it means for your life, join the GCC family this weekend as we unpack the next hard saying of Jesus in Luke 14:25-27. I look forward to seeing you at GCC!
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Join us for a series of 14 sermons that unpack and explain some of the hard sayings of Jesus – the hard-to-understand and hard-to-apply-to-life teachings and stories of Jesus that seem to raise more questions than they answer. We need to understand these truths so we can live full and free lives in Jesus Christ.