Mike Sigman - October 31, 2021
Spiritual Discouragement
Scripture References: 1 Kings 19:1-9a
From Series: "Elijah"
Join us in this series on a great figure from biblical history: Elijah!
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CloseThis weekend at GCC, I want to welcome you to an encouraging sermon about discouragement! This topic is essential for our souls and probably more relevant than most of us want to admit. Consider the definition of DISCOURAGEMENT: the state of having lost your confidence or enthusiasm for something. We’ve all been there. We’ve all had experiences with, even seasons of, discouragement, but what about your spiritual life? Have you ever experienced spiritual discouragement? Has your soul ever been “under the weather”? If so, listen up because that’s exactly where we find Elijah as we continue to study his life and ministry in 1 Kings 19:1-9a. I look forward to continuing this story with you at all weekend services. See you then…either on site or online!
Scripture References: 1 Kings 19:1-9a
More Messages from Mike Sigman
Join us in this series on a great figure from biblical history: Elijah!
Mike Sigman
Ecclesiastes 5:4-7