Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.
The GCC Prison Ministry exists to provide incarcerated individuals and their families hope and opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We are seeking inspired volunteers to carry the Word of God to this underserved community inside Lancaster County Prison, as well as conduct ministry initiatives outside of the prison.
Worship Team
Join in praise and worship as the Word is brought to inmates once a month inside Lancaster County Prison. These uplifting services offer spiritual food for the spiritually hungry.
Be a prayer warrior for inmates as well as for their families, the Lancaster County Prison staff, and the GCC Prison Team. The prayer team would receive requests via email.
One-on-One inmate spiritual support
Spiritual Advisors provide spiritual guidance through weekly hour-long one-on-one visits scheduled through the Chaplain’s office. These visits are to meet spiritual needs. This may take place in the context of a listening ear, prayer, or Bible study.
Share the joy of the Lord in writing. For some, it is their only connection to life outside their walls. Pen Pals can communicate safely through either U. S. Mail or with electronic messages. You determine the means and frequency of the letters.
Provide Bible-based teaching/support to those who have been released from Lancaster County Prison and are transitioning back to life outside the prison. You determine the means and frequency of your meetings.
spiritual support for Families of Incarcerated Individuals
Provide Bible-based teaching/support to family members of Incarcerated Individuals. You determine the means and frequency of your meetings.
Anchor Lancaster's team of volunteers serves a breakfast buffet to all who are hungry each weekday (including holidays) for 52 weeks of the year. Additional services are provided.
Safe Families for Children is a respite program for families with children 17 or younger. It provides a temporary home to care for children while parents work through crisis situations
Christian interim housing program for single mothers leaving prison or who have left prison within the last 6 months, where they can be reunited with children & be empowered to gain skills for long-term independence.
Residential program for men only who are looking for a fresh start from addiction, incarceration, homelessness, and various other types of hardships or situations.