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CloseMike Sigman - March 20, 2022
The Afterlife
Do you believe in the afterlife? The AFTERLIFE is defined as our life after death. That such life exists is a central doctrine of the Christian faith and a favorite topic in Jesus’ teaching ministry. In fact, the AFTERLIFE is even a popular topic beyond the church where creative and wishful thinking have, at times, either amended or replaced Biblical truth. We cannot afford to be led astray on the matter of the AFTERLIFE. Our eternal destiny hangs in the balance and, for that reason, we need to know what Jesus believes and teaches about the afterlife, even if it is hard to understand or hard to take because we don’t understand it. What does Jesus say? Truth is, he says a lot about the afterlife, and some of the most concentrated teaching is found in Luke 16:19-31.
From Series: Unfiltered Jesus | More Messages from Mike Sigman
More Messages Associated With "Church in Willow Street PA"...

October 2, 2022
How To Please God Without Being Religious | October 2, 2022 | Ecclesiastes 5:4-7
Mike Sigman
Ecclesiastes 5:4-7
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CloseMike Sigman - March 20, 2022
The Afterlife
Do you believe in the afterlife? The AFTERLIFE is defined as our life after death. That such life exists is a central doctrine of the Christian faith and a favorite topic in Jesus’ teaching ministry. In fact, the AFTERLIFE is even a popular topic beyond the church where creative and wishful thinking have, at times, either amended or replaced Biblical truth. We cannot afford to be led astray on the matter of the AFTERLIFE. Our eternal destiny hangs in the balance and, for that reason, we need to know what Jesus believes and teaches about the afterlife, even if it is hard to understand or hard to take because we don’t understand it. What does Jesus say? Truth is, he says a lot about the afterlife, and some of the most concentrated teaching is found in Luke 16:19-31.
From Series: Unfiltered Jesus | More Messages from Mike Sigman
More Messages Associated With "Church in Willow Street PA"...

July 24, 2022
How To Have Peace In Relationships | Making Faith Work | James 4:1-12
Paul Weitzel