
Mike Sigman - January 22, 2023

Obeying God Jonah Part 3

We are discovering that the story of Jonah is more than a story of a great fish. It is the story of a GREAT GOD. In his disobedience to God, Jonah learned that GOD HEARS US when we cry out to Him. He discovered that GOD CARES ABOUT US when we get ourselves in tight spots in life. He experienced GOD’S RESCUE in the most dramatic of ways - “And the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land.” That’s where we left Jonah last week – on dry land after a harrowing experience in a raging storm and a whale’s belly. What happens next is nothing short of miraculous. Join your GCC family this week as we unpack Jonah 3.

Scripture References: Jonah 3:1-10


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Mike Sigman - January 22, 2023

Obeying God Jonah Part 3

We are discovering that the story of Jonah is more than a story of a great fish. It is the story of a GREAT GOD. In his disobedience to God, Jonah learned that GOD HEARS US when we cry out to Him. He discovered that GOD CARES ABOUT US when we get ourselves in tight spots in life. He experienced GOD’S RESCUE in the most dramatic of ways - “And the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land.” That’s where we left Jonah last week – on dry land after a harrowing experience in a raging storm and a whale’s belly. What happens next is nothing short of miraculous. Join your GCC family this week as we unpack Jonah 3.

Scripture References: Jonah 3:1-10


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