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ClosePaul Weitzel - February 12, 2023
God is Holy
This week, we continue in our series, GOD, by looking at God’s holiness as it is described throughout the Bible. Yet, there is only one problem, how do we understand holiness? A. W. Tozer, in his book The Knowledge of the Holy, says, “We cannot grasp the true meaning of the divine holiness… We may fear God's power and admire his wisdom, but we cannot even imagine his holiness.” Holy is just a term we use to describe the utter uniqueness of God. To say we really understand His holiness is like suggesting we could hold the sun in our hands and not get burned! Yet, Hebrews 12:14 says, “without holiness, no one will see God.” So, if we can’t ever understand it, how do we at least become it? Join us this week as we get a vision of God’s holiness throughout the Scriptures and God’s plan not to destroy us by His presence but transform us into His likeness.
From Series: God: Getting to Know Him Better | More Messages from Paul Weitzel
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ClosePaul Weitzel - February 12, 2023
God is Holy
This week, we continue in our series, GOD, by looking at God’s holiness as it is described throughout the Bible. Yet, there is only one problem, how do we understand holiness? A. W. Tozer, in his book The Knowledge of the Holy, says, “We cannot grasp the true meaning of the divine holiness… We may fear God's power and admire his wisdom, but we cannot even imagine his holiness.” Holy is just a term we use to describe the utter uniqueness of God. To say we really understand His holiness is like suggesting we could hold the sun in our hands and not get burned! Yet, Hebrews 12:14 says, “without holiness, no one will see God.” So, if we can’t ever understand it, how do we at least become it? Join us this week as we get a vision of God’s holiness throughout the Scriptures and God’s plan not to destroy us by His presence but transform us into His likeness.
From Series: God: Getting to Know Him Better | More Messages from Paul Weitzel
More Messages Associated With "Church in Willow Street PA"...

April 9, 2023
The Transformative Power of the Risen King | Easter Sunday Sermon 2023 | John 20:1-8
Mike Sigman
John 20:1-18