“We can’t go over it. We can’t go under it. We’ve got to go through it.” So it is with the trials of life. Much as we may want to “go over them” or “under them” to get away from them, we’ve got to “go through them” because, quite simply, that’s the way life works.
This weekend, we begin a new series of sermon from the New Testament book of James called Making Faith Work. The first subject James tackles is the subject of trials – the trials of life. You may recall that we explored that very subject three weeks ago as we grappled with suffering in light of eternity. James 1:1-12 is an excellent sequel to that sermon and extremely practical, too. God inspired James to tell us how trials work when you are a follower of Jesus Christ. We’ll learn what role attitude, wisdom and money play in navigating life’s trials. I look forward to exploring God’s truth with you!
“We can’t go over them. We can’t go under them. We’ve got to go through them.” When it comes to trials that is ALMOST ALWAYS true – ALMOST. There is one category of life’s trials that can and should be avoided. In fact, we not only don’t want to go through them, we want to run from them. It is the category of temptations – temptations to sin. The temptation to sin is an inward trial of life that we all face and quite often in our daily lives. In fact, the outward trials of life over which we have no control often bring temptations with them.
To drive that point home, James carefully and skillfully teaches in James 1:13-18 how temptation works and where it leads, and why we don’t need to go there. I look forward to exploring this truth with you this weekend at GCC!