Bill Stoner
December 31, 2024
Image of National Treasure

National Treasure. That is the name of the movie I just watched. Yeah, I saw it when it originally came out, but that is the advantage of having a poor memory: every scene was a whole new experience. Even in the beginning when they were racing snowcats across the ice-covered tundra, I anticipated a big surprise, but I couldn’t remember the plot. I only saw bad guys chasing heroes.  

Then the good guys discover the clue to the treasure. With disappointment, they realize it is just the first clue, and the search must continue. That angers the villains and so they plot to eliminate the man of the hour. I better stop there; I don’t want to ruin it for anybody!


The sought after treasure consists of artifacts buried over a 1000 years ago by the Egyptians. In the movie plot, the artifacts were later discovered by our Founding Fathers who wanted the items to remain hidden.  One clue which stands out is America’s own Declaration of Independence. When you’re dealing with a document like that, you want to protect it, to study it, and to present it to every generation that comes along.


Christians have their own document that they want to protect, to study, and to present to every generation that comes along. It’s called, the Bible! We don’t have to go on wild races with snowcats to find it. In His grace, He has given it to us. Over the years, God has given me the great privilege of teaching this Book, from the pulpit to the classroom, from large groups to the individual men that I disciple.


Right now I’m preparing to teach another class in January, called “Understanding the Bible” (registration at GCC is open). I realize that once again I will be handling the very words of God. This is opportunity to speak His truth and not my own. A professor of mine, Dr. Robert Coleman said, “The words recorded in the Scriptures were inspired and attested by God. That is, the language of the Bible was divinely communicated not in words which man’s wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches. (I Corinthians 2:13). Coleman continues, “The Bible is not to be taken lightly, it is God’s Word, pure, holy, and eternal. It should thus be loved and cherished as an undefiled letter from the Lover of your soul” (Psalm 19:8/ Jeremiah 15:16/ II Peter 1:19).


The Declaration of Independence is to our country a wonderful blessing and worthy of our allegiance. But it doesn’t compare to this priceless book, the Bible. God wants to communicate to man, and the method He chose was the Bible. How would we know how the world was created, except for the Bible? Neither would we know about Jesus, except for the Bible. And we certainly wouldn’t have any idea how we can be saved, except for the Word of God.


America’s own Declaration of Independence is a national treasure. The world’s greatest treasure is the Bible. When you’re dealing with a document like that, you want to protect it, to study it, and to present it to every generation that comes along. Is it time to crack it open and seriously study the words God wants to directly speak to your heart and mind? Ask God to help you discover His greatest treasure.

To further enhance your Christian walk, click to read the impact of the Bible on Iran and North Korea

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