you matter to god

Dawn Bullock
January 16, 2024
Image of you matter to God

I recently experienced the loss of my brother. At his funeral, I was deeply touched by the love and encouragement offered by those who came to offer their condolences to my family. There were not only family and friends with whom my brother had shared long-lasting relationships, but also those who composed a part of a particular season in his life. It was a great comfort to me as many shared their memories of him and special times they spent together.

my brother’s life mattered

We laughed. And we cried. In the midst of my deep sorrow, it was like a balm to my aching soul. As I listened to their stories, I realized that in our little corner of the world in Mountville, my brother’s life mattered. Other people’s lives were better because he had been a part of them. He was remembered affectionately for the special person that he was.

he had lost feelings of significance

I wish with all of my heart, that he would have realized that while he was alive. During some especially difficult times in his later years, he had lost his feeling of significance. His self-esteem was bruised. He was beaten down emotionally and spiritually. I am rejoicing that now, in the presence of his Savior, those bruises are healed.

god treasures you

God created man so that He could love him and have fellowship with him. His love for you is profound and unconditional; each one of us tiny stars in this massive galaxy matter to our Creator. He treasures you more that you will ever be able to understand. This world may kick you around and make you feel unimportant, but God leaves no uncertainty about how much he loves and values you. That is how He is with each and every one of us.

we are god’s possession

He created us in His image (Gen. 1:27) and loves us with an everlasting love (Jer. 31:3). He provided a way for our salvation: But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). And we are part of His family: Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God (1John 3:1). There is no one on earth that has done, or can do, what God has done for us. We are God’s people: a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for [God’s] own possession. (1Peter 2:9)

when you feel insignificant

Do you know how much you matter to the people in your life? Even more so, do you know how much you matter to God? Remember these verses when tough times arise that make you feel insignificant and unworthy. The enemy will seize those opportunities to pull you into deep despair and leave you there. Don’t let Satan bruise your confidence in your value to God and others in your life. You are God’s treasured possession. Just like my beloved brother, your life matters.

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