Renee Harnish
December 17, 2024

When our kids were little, “Give it back!” frequently echoed in our home.  A favorite toy or stuffed animal had usually been snatched up by a sibling, causing turmoil.  Last Christmas, I realized sometimes I need to “give it back!” too, but with something much more important than toys.


Christmas can feel SO stressful!  To-do lists are full of shopping, menu planning, wrapping, decorating, baking, cards, visiting…it is overwhelming.  Why?  What is the purpose of this worldwide holiday?  Am I trying to please man or God? What am I making room for?


In pondering this, I realized that I am not responsible to make everyone’s Christmas wonderful; that is what Jesus already did.  I am here to walk alongside people and be with whom I care about. We recognize and celebrate who Jesus is – Emmanuel, God with us. Trying to make Christmas great for everyone around me with my feeble human abilities is laughable, prideful. I need to humble myself, yield to God, and celebrate Christmas differently than the world does. I must give Christmas back to Jesus and make room for Him. 


Lord, how do You want me to spend the time, money and energy You entrust me with?  How do You want me to prepare to celebrate Your birth and tell the world Who You are? You tell me: “And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you] “ (Romans 12:2). How do I live Your way?

Prayer: Father, I lay down my self-sufficient, “personally-responsible-for everyone’s-Christmas” way of doing things. Please show me what is important and what to let go of. Help me enjoy, soak up Your presence, and abide in You as I prepare to celebrate Your first coming to be with us.  Help our family to see You more and love You more above ALL else as we prepare for Christmas.  I’m giving Christmas back to You. Transform the way I prepare and celebrate. Help me to make room for you. Amen.

Here is where I lay it down, every burden every crown. This is my surrender! This is my surrender! Here is where I lay it down, every lie and every doubt. This is my surrender! And I’ll make room for you, to do whatever you want to, do whatever you want to. Shake up the ground of all my tradition. Breakdown the walls of all my religion. Your way is better! Your way is better! Here is where I lay it down, You are all I’m chasing now. This is my surrender!

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