Mike Sigman - February 4, 2024
First Things First - Evangelism
Scripture References: John 4:27-38
From Series: "First Things First"
Join as we journey through the core values of GCC in this winter sermon series.
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CloseWhen we look at people, we see them as they are right now and possibly remembering who they were in the past. But do we see who they can become by choosing to follow Jesus? Do we have vision for lives changed by Christ? Join your GCC family this weekend as we dig into John 4 and notice that Jesus had a different vision than his followers, and he took action to correct their vision. Open your eyes to the people around you who need Jesus!
Scripture References: John 4:27-38
More Messages from Mike Sigman
Join as we journey through the core values of GCC in this winter sermon series.
Mike Sigman
Mike Sigman