We give our conscience too much credit! Does our conscience really “bother us”? Is it our conscience that tells us what is right and what is wrong in life? Not at all. It is the Holy Spirit at work in us, convicting us with regard to the “rights and wrongs” of life. The Spirit is the One who bothers us when we need to be bothered. He is the One who keeps us up all night, or gives us peace and calmness within. He reminds us when an action is wrong, and He contends for the right way and right response. Such activity on the part of the Holy Spirit is what the Scriptures call the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, and His convicting power is clearly and forcefully taught in John 16:8-11.
Join your GCC family this weekend as we learn more about how the Holy Spirit tells us the truth we need to be guided in our lives! I look forward to sharing this truth with you.
Who is the Holy Spirit? What work does He do in our lives, in our church, and in the world? The Holy Spirit will occupy our time and thoughts for the next eight weekends, and well He should. He is the third person of the Trinity. He is God at work within every follower of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit plays a major role in the salvation of those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. He lives in us! Make worship a priority this fall as we get to know the Holy Spirit.