Mike Sigman - December 31, 2023

This Magi and Herod: Searching for a KIng

Throughout the past 2000+ years, responses to the birth of Jesus Christ – both its reality and its celebration – have been marked by a level of passion seldom seen in other areas of life. Some embrace the birth and life of Christ with passionate commitment, and some passionately oppose Christ. Passionate devotion to Jesus meets passionate opposition to Jesus. Such extreme responses to Jesus date back to the first two years of his life when, according to the gospel writer Matthew, Jesus became the focus of two competing passions – the passionate worship of those we commonly call “the wise men” and the passionate rejection of Christ at the hands of King Herod. Join your GCC family and me as we take a closer look at Matthew 2:1-18 this weekend. I look forward to sharing this Good News with you!

Scripture References: Matthew 2:1-18

From Series: "The Journey"

Are you ready for Christmas? If not, let GCC help you get ready! Let us help you get your heart ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. This is the first truth we’ll study in the Advent/Christmas 2023 sermon series called “The Journey.” “The Journey” is a series of six sermons that essentially unpacks the nativity of Jesus Christ. We will study the Biblical characters who are associated with Jesus in his conception, birth, and early childhood. What can we learn from these men, women, and angels that will help us know and follow Jesus with a deeper faith and commitment?

More From "The Journey"

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