Bill Stoner
July 23, 2024
Image of "I was hungry"

You’ll have to excuse me for being political, but all week I watched the Republican National Convention. I enjoyed (for the most part) the nightly speakers. They were very patriotic, forceful, and convinced of what this country needs to survive another four years. However, there was a certain Senator (whom I usually enjoy), who committed a mistake which many Christians have done: he melded Christianity with politics. His speech was more like a Billy Sunday crusade than a political rally. Halfway through he was comparing his candidate with “The Lion of Judah.” Sorry, but there is only one Lion of Judah” and it is not any political candidate.


Christians must adhere to what Romans 13 says concerning our responsibility in government involvement. Politics and governmental powers are important in our everyday lives. Some Christians take the call so seriously they become Senators and Congressmen; others find their way into local politics. They serve on School Boards or are Commissioners of local townships. Regardless of party affiliation, you are called to intelligently discuss politics from an informed position, pray for our leaders, and serve if God calls you.


However, there is only One Savior, and it is not any political candidate. One’s relationship with Christ trumps any political involvement. I have strong feelings regarding politics, but my strong feelings toward Christianity run even deeper. Can you say the same about your involvement with Jesus? Who are you expecting to save you? A politician or Christ?


Let me pivot and ask a different question, “When was the last time you got upset regarding the treatment of Christians in other parts of the world?” This week the Editor of Recharge will publish a column concerning the persecuted Christians around the globe. In the article she names different countries that comprise a citizenship of only 1 or 2% Christian. If these people express anything concerning the Lord Jesus Christ, their lives are in peril.


We live in a world in flux. Governments (and politicians) come and go, but Jesus is permanent. When was the last time you did not finish a meal because you couldn’t stop thinking about politics? In comparison, do you think God has the same attitude regarding the upcoming elections? Don’t you think God has in mind something more important? How about those Christians who do not have any food because of persecution and yet continue to praise God for His protection and grace?


I draw the contrast between politics and Christianity because only one is eternal. If we fail to live out our political responsibilities, we decline to be obedient to an important part of Scripture. But if we refuse to meet the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ, we crash and burn regarding compassion. We refuse to do the number one thing that distinguishes us from all others: to love! Jesus said in Mathew 25:44-45:“They also will answer, Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty, or a stranger, or needing clothes, or sick, or in prison and did not help you? He will reply. I tell you the truth. Whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.”  Let’s get more involved. I challenge you to daily fall on your knees and ask God to rescue our brothers and sisters from tyranny and oppression. Let’s cross “party lines” to stand with the God of truth and compassion!

Click for a great article regarding believers and politics

Click to listen to the testimony of James Omondi

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