Bill Stoner
August 8, 2024
Image of movement

Read: 2 John 1-13

Reflect: Many years ago, I had a strong desire to be involved in a ministry to the cults. I wanted to speak to them about misinterpretation of scripture and the price of following of leaders who had deceptive motives. Why do people want to be involved in a group that stands against the historic teachings of Christianity?


For several years I studied the teachings of these false teachers and met with individuals who were involved in their activities. Given opportunities to teach seminars on the cults, I became known in our town as “the expert on the cults” (which I wasn’t!). And then it all came to a head. I had to stop, put it aside and walk away. It felt like a black cloud followed me around. I was depressed and I found myself spending more time in the works of some heretic than the Word of God itself.

Reading 2nd John, I realize again, that just knowing the truth isn’t just enough, if you love God, you will want to “walk in the truth.” The Elder writes this letter to the “chosen lady and to her children”, in other words, the church. He suggests to them: “That we walk in obedience to His commands” (vs. 6)


John comments on one of those commands when he writes it is not a wise thing to have such men come into your home. It is dangerous. Years ago, my uncle went off to work as he did daily. When he came home, he found out his wife had welcomed some folks into her home to talk about their “faith”. He suggested she not do that again. Well, six months later she had left him for the Mormon church and fled to Utah with their children. “Many deceivers who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in flesh, have gone out into the world” (vs. 7) These people are in the world; don’t allow them into your home.


Apply: The word “truth” appears 5 times in the first 4 verses. It is not an exaggeration to say The Truth is the most significant aspect to the Christian faith. “Truth” refers to the embodiment of truth, the “faith”. (Acts 6:7/13:8/I Cor. 16:13/ Gal 1:6-7) The truth of God’s word is to be believed and lived. The phrase “walking in truth” refers to moving through life while listening to the Word of God.


There are many voices you can listen to: your friends, your teachers, your favorite YouTube personality, your wife (she’s not always wrong!). Each of these may provide good counsel. But when your first voice is the Holy Spirit, you’re heading in the right direction. You are walking in the Truth! So many of our Christians brothers (and sisters) quickly agree with this assessment laid out by John, but when it comes time to actually stand up for the truth, where do they actually stand?

Click here for an excellent article on discerning truth from error

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