Read: 2 Chronicles 20:1-30
Reflect: Have you ever felt attacked? Has anyone ever singled you out and tried to unjustly discredit you? I distinctly remember the pain of experiencing such a situation. A number of years ago, I had a job I liked and was good at, but my supervisor seemed to have me in their crosshairs. My performance and accomplishments in that role didn’t matter. I knew lies were being spread about me. In fact, things got so bad that we ended up in the human resources office. Subsequently, my boss had the credential requirements for my position changed.
Suddenly, I was reclassified as “unqualified”. I would lose my job at the end of the year, but not before they wanted me to train my replacement. I was weary and afraid. What if people in my professional network believed the lies? What would be the potential impact? What if I couldn’t find a new job?
I turned to one of my favorite stories in Scripture, 2 Chronicles 20. Much like the Israelites, I felt like I was facing an impossible situation. How would I get through this battle? Like them, I fasted and prayed for wisdom, direction, and favor. I reminded myself, and God, of all He had done for me. I wanted to honor God by finishing my time with that employer well. It was hard. Each day I did my best to serve faithfully under a hostile boss.
I prayed God would make a way where there seemed to be no way. And He did. People in respected positions wrote me letters of recommendation. One person even stood up for me in a meeting filled with top administrators and asked why I was being let go when I knew the role, had performed it well, and the new credential requirement was only beneficial for a small fraction of the responsibilities. The population I served showered me with gifts, cards, flowers, and planned a good-bye potluck in my honor. All this right in front of my supervisor.
A replacement wasn’t hired as quickly as they had hoped and ended up having less than one full day to train her. I received a job offer from my top choice employer. There was no lapse in employment for me. Only God could have orchestrated such an outcome. I still feel overwhelmed by the amazing ways He worked it all out as I merely took up my position and stood firm.
“But I will call on God, and the Lord will rescue me. Morning, noon, and night I cry out in my distress, and the Lord hears my voice. He ransoms me and keeps me safe from the battle waged against me, though many still oppose me. (Psalm 55:16-18)
Apply: What impossible situation are you facing that is too big and causes you to fight fear and dread? Pray, fast, and seek after God’s wisdom. Follow His direction and take up your position. Then watch the amazing ways He will make a way for you, for He is the same God today as he was for the Israelites thousands of years ago.