I think we’ve all seen those sad animal commercials. The camera shows us images of frightened, malnourished, parasite infested, animals. They are unsheltered from the elements, without food or water, and often visibly caged or chained. Their need for someone to save them from their current condition is easy to recognize.
The rescue of my cat is another story. It was an exceptionally cold December. The cat found some nice people in our neighborhood willing to give him space on their porch and ensure he didn’t starve or freeze. They even named him “Blackey,” in honor of his black coat, nose, and whiskers. They would go out and sit with him a little bit each day to talk to him and pet him. That’s a nice arrangement for a stray. But it is not a home. Blackey needed to be rescued.
My husband met Blackey and asked me if I wanted to meet this nice stray. A bit tentative at first, it didn’t take long for the cat to relax enough to display his sweetness by rubbing his chin against my legs and hopping up onto the bench so I could pet him. We decided we wanted to give this boy a home…but we had to capture him first. It took two days. I immediately took him to the vet for a check-up. They treated him for fleas and worms. We also gave him a new name: “Lewis.” Lewis now lives a very cushy life with climate control, many toys, two square meals a day, and lots of love. Lewis was rescued.
Our human conditions are not so different from the ones I’ve shared here. Just like the sad animals in the commercials, human needs are blatantly obvious in some lives. The chains of sin and cages of shame are on full display. Others, like Blackey, appear fine. They are willing to accept some help, but fearful of others getting close enough to see the parasites of sin in their lives. It can be scary to surrender to a stranger, but sin has left us all in need of rescue.
Where do you find yourself today? Is your life visibly displaying your undeniable need for the Savior? Or are you like Blackey, getting by in life, confident in your ability to fend for yourself? Are you hiding and avoiding God’s pursuit and forgiveness out of fear and shame?
Jesus offers the invitation to permanently bring healing and bind up your wounds (Psalm 147:3). I invite you to surrender to the love and forgiveness of the One who has abundant life available to you. Like Lewis, once you do, you’ll find a home with all you’ve ever needed. (2 Peter 1:3) Also, when you get to Heaven, God will give you a new name perfect for your new home. (Revelation 2:17) God offers you rescue.