Dawn Bullock
October 10, 2023

Today is my dad’s birthday. I no longer get to celebrate it with him on this earth, but it is still a special day for me. One where I get to reflect on the blessing that he was to me. I didn’t need to look at my pajamas with “Daddy’s Girl” embroidered on the front to know that I was indeed Daddy’s girl. We had a special relationship and I grew up feeling loved and secure. He didn’t just teach me the value of hard work and good character; he modeled it. I looked up to him with a deep love and respect which caused me worked hard to earn his praise. He was the rock of our family: a good dad, provider and protector.


Thankfully, I have my Abba Father, who also makes me feel loved and secure. “Abba” is the Aramaic word for father and it implies a close, intimate relationship between a father and child. This is a relationship built on confidence and trust. In my mind, it invokes a picture of a child crawling onto his daddy’s lap, knowing he will be wrapped in a loving embrace. It is a place where the child understands that he is safe and secure, protected.


Even as an adult, the grown child knows that he is forever enveloped within his father’s love and care. What a joy it is to be a child of God, our rock and our refuge! We secure the right to be called a child of God when we are born again. But to all who did receive Him, who believe in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. (John 1:12) In that moment we receive Him, we are adopted into God’s family, into an intimate relationship with Him. There is no reason to hide because of our sin. We can run into His arms, crying “Abba Father”, and find forgiveness and grace. We are loved unconditionally, free from the consequences of sin.


God molded and shaped us as an earthly father would do, but in a much deeper and personal way. He knows us better than we know ourselves, creating each of us with our own unique personalities. Our steps were determined by Him, before we took even one of them. He’s given us free will to enter into a relationship that can only be fashioned between us and our Creator.

Are you secure in your Father God’s unconditional love for you? Do you run toward him calling out “Abba Father”? His loving arms are open wide and waiting.

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